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The Vertical Tutoring System
- how to build better schools by involving all staff, students, and parents within a more democratic and relational learning process
This systems thinking site is for secondary school practitioners, parents, students, and researchers interested in transformative change. It is for the growing number concerned that our schools have lost their way and may be detrimental to wellbeing and learning in the C21.
The VT site concerns organisational change and the development of a values-led learning culture. It is for people who feel that the current same-age management paradigm separates participants, limits learning. In the words of Ken Wilber it is for "those who yearn to bring more consciousness to the way we run organisations but wonder if it is possible and how to do it".
VT works by ensuring that staff, students, and parents are collaboratively engaged in the learning process.
NB. The Vertical Tutoring System (VT) does not ask schools to create multi-age classrooms but it is a technical change requiring considerable care in preparation and set-up. By changing organisational relationships, the school's structure adapts to people rather than people to structure i.e., from a one-size-fits-all system to one more adaptive to individual needs and learning. Hopefully, this site indicates how this is done and some of the challenges fro leadership!